J. J. Philips

NEWS: 2015
Your source for news on J.J. Philips and "Parental Bloodshed."
Additional news available by clicking the year:
November 1, 2015
Music Connection Dayton turned it's November Spotlight on J.J. and her novel "Parental Bloodshed."
Asking the burning questions that's on everyone's mind:
"All of this knowledge begs the question of which wins out - nature or nurture?"
Music Connection Dayton is Dayton's only home for all local music. Check out local Dayton Bands by clicking the Music Connection logo and check out their November Spotlight by clicking the banner.

If you're looking to buy your copy of "Parental Bloodshed" in person then stop by Clash in Dayton, Ohio's Historic Oregon District. Don't forget to check out their unique selection of vintage and ready-to-wear lines to dress like your favorite Rentlaw. Click the Clash logo to visit their website for more information and events.
June 2015: Clash the only retail location that sells "Parental Bloodshed"

June 19, 2015 "Parental Bloodshed" Book Release Party
Thank you again to everyone that came out to the Canal Public House in support of J.J.'s novel "Parnetal Bloodshed."
J.J. would like to thank all the performers and venders for making this a great event.
Please check them out by clicking their logo's. The video's are from The Boxxcar's YouTube Page.
DJ Coopertop
(photo provided by: hexfyre photography)
Richard Brown
AKA The Boxxcar
(photo provided by: hexfyre photography)
Rock Doll
Alternative Model

February, 2015

I would like to thank John, Mandy, and the rest of the team at Mitchell Fleming Printing for bringing my vision for "Parental Bloodshed" to life. The industry is full of printers looking to make a quick buck from cookie cutter paperback books. However, when I sat down in John's office and shared my vision to print a hardbound book, with onion paper to protect my bio photo, and the title stamped in red on the cover I could see John was as excited about my project as I was and that made all of the difference. Mitchell Fleming Printing in Knightstown, Indiana is a family owned printer and they have made me feel like family. Please click the logo to visit the Mitchell Fleming Prinitng's website.
Thank you,
J.J. Philips
January, 2015
"Let's just say that I got some interesting looks from my models when I told them they would be wearing thongs for this shoot. As a bonus they got to keep their wardrobe. All kiding aside these gentlemen were awesome to work with and such great sports."
Thank you to my models:
Joe Clawson (left)
Chris McFarland (center bottom)
Tommy Geiger (right)
Thank you to the talented photographer Chet King for capturing this moment perfectly and creating a buzz worthy author bio photo.
Please click the photo to check out Chet's other oustanding work.

January 5, 2015
It's official "Parental Bloodshed" is registered with the U.S. Copyright Office.